Hitos del habla y el lenguaje de los niños por la logopedia de Chicago

Here are a list of milestones to keep in mind as you observe your child’s speech and language development. Take note of any inconsistencies and share them with your speech-language pathologist. While some inconsistencies may not be alarming, it is still better to check to make sure your child is on the right track and is developing normally. In the …

Trastorno mixto del lenguaje receptivo-expresivo y cómo la ayuda logopédica es fundamental

Two Types of the Disorder Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder is when your child displays problems with speaking and understanding others. There are two types the disorder: Developmental mixed receptive-expressive disorder usually appears when a child is learning how to talk. The cause is unknown, but therapy at the onset of symptoms yields the best results. Acquired mixed receptive-expressive language disorder

Why Should My Late Talker get a Hearing Evaluation? by Chicago Speech Therapy

Most parents are familiar with the idea of milestones in speech development – children first babble, say their first word, string words together, etc. – and that these milestones generally happen within specific age ranges. It is understandable to be concerned if your child is not developing speech according to these guidelines as it could be an indicator that your …

Chicago Speech Therapy: What is Stuttering?

Stuttering is a speech disorder in which sounds, syllables, or words are repeated or prolonged, disrupting the normal flow of speech.  It is one of the most common speech disorders among children, and can have a big impact on a person’s life if left untreated.   Occasionally, stuttering is accompanied by other nervous physical manifestations, such as rapid eye blinks or …

What is a Receptive Language Disorder? by Chicago Speech Therapy

Identifying the Symptoms Do you ever get the feeling that your child is having trouble listening to you? Maybe he or she doesn’t seem to be interested when you read story books aloud. Or perhaps you’ve noticed that your child has trouble following spoken instructions. Does he or she often parrot your words back to you? These behaviors could be …

Tratamiento de la apraxia infantil por la logopedia de Chicago

As adults, we take speech for granted. Adults can talk all day and sometimes not even think about it, so it’s difficult to comprehend why your child is struggling with something as natural as speech. However, in reality, the oral-motor skills needs to speak properly are very complicated – and this is evident when we see how long it takes …

Terapia del habla en Chicago: ¿Qué es la parada?

What is Stopping in Speech? When a child has a difficult time pronouncing some sounds, they might make substitutions. For example, a child might say “shtip” instead of “ship” or “dope” instead of “soap.” This particular type of behavior, when a child inserts a “stopping” consonant (b/p/t/d/g) is appropriately called “stopping” and generally develops when a child is between 3-5 …