Chicago Speech Therapist uses Ipad app to Help with Speech and Language Development

Flash cards are a great, interactive way to introduce new language to your toddler. With the new technology of smart phones and tablets, engaging your child with stimulating sounds and visuals on the go or at home has become as simple as touching a screen., which specializes in creating educational resources for children, offers a series of flashcard applications …

Chicago Tribune: Los logopedas hacen conexiones (presentando Chicago Speech Therapy y Karen George)

Speech-language pathologists help people regain or strengthen their ability to communicate. Many of the people that speech-language pathologists work with have impediments like stuttering, speech delays and learning disabilities. Some clients have physical impediments, such as a cleft palate, hearing loss or a brain injury. Stephanie Hirsh, owner and speech-language pathologist of the Center for Communication and Fluency Therapy, used …

What is the Primary Checklist for Sensory Processing Disorder Symptoms? by Chicago Speech Therapy

There are several different types of sensory processing disorder symptoms ranging from oral, visual, tactile, auditory, and receptive dysfunctions. Tactile Dysfunction – Hypersensitivity: Your child dislikes touch, going to the pool or beach, bathing, rough clothes, or rough play with other children – Hyposensitivity: Your child feels the need to touch everything constantly, plays very rough with other children, and …

Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech by Chicago Speech Therapy

As adults, we take speech for granted. Adults can talk all day and sometimes not even think about it, so it’s difficult to comprehend why your child is struggling with something as natural as speech. However, in reality, the oral-motor skills needs to speak properly are very complicated – and this is evident when we see how long it takes …

Signs of Autism by Chicago Speech Therapy

In most situations it is important to diagnose problems sooner than later.  How can we diagnose issues when our children aren’t even communicating yet?  They can’t say, “Mommy I don’t feel like talking,” or “Daddy I don’t want to play with the other kids.”  So how is it that infants and children can be diagnosed with autism before even speaking …

Play and How it Stimulates Language Development: by Chicago Speech Therapy

There are two very important things to remember when teaching your child how to speak: play and repetition.  These two ingredients make it easier for children to learn and process language. What Are the Benefits of Play? Play is the encouragement and allowance for your child to experiment with sounds, words, and expression.  This is a natural state where they …

Is My Child a Late Talker? by Chicago Speech Therapy

Some children are late bloomers; this is not a disorder of any kind.  If you are a parent, you are familiar with the concern that accompanies parenting – you cannot help but worry about your child’s progress and growth.  Communication between children and parents begins with the first moments they enter into the world.  Crying and smiling and waving their …

How will Food Chaining Help My Child Eat? by Chicago Speech Therapy

The Effects of Picky Eating Growing up, children usually go through picky eating stages – it is a very common occurrence.  Broccoli and brussel sprouts can still be difficult to get down even once you’ve approached adulthood.   Most children go through changes and can find something palatable one day then be repulsed by it the next.  This natural change and …

Cómo reducir o detener el babeo de su hijo por la logopedia de Chicago

Depending on your child’s age, drooling can be something that he or she is a temporary side effect and byproduct of teething.  If your child has already begun teething and isn’t able to stop from drooling, there are a few things you can do to help him or her exercise the oral muscles and gain control of this area.  While …