For Immediate Release: Karen George, speech therapist and founder of Chicago Speech Therapy gives talk to Stroller Strides Chicago!

This past Monday, dozens of young, in-shape, energetic moms gathered (with their children close by) to hear a talk given by Karen George, a prominent pediatric speech therapist and owner of Chicago Speech Therapy, LLC. Sounds very cool – what kind of gathering could this be? It is Stroller Strides Chicago. Stroller Strides is a proven, yet original way of …

Tratamiento logopédico pediátrico para niños con ERGE

What is GERD? Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a serious condition that is often misdiagnosed by physicians because many children experience regurgitation symptoms throughout early childhood. Babies spit up all the time and this gastro reflux is normal in all children for the first several weeks of development but when it occurs more frequently as the child grows it …

Speech Therapy Activities for Parents

Whether your child has been diagnosed with a speech-language disorder, or if you’re speculating that he or she is developing a disorder, parent involvement is not only useful, it is essential. When parents are involved and staying up-to-date with their child’s progress, the chances of the child reaching his or her full potential greatly increase. The first thing you should …

Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation 2 (GFTA-2): Assessing Your Child’s Speech

What is the Goldman Fristoe Articulation Test? The Goldman Fristoe Articulation Test is widely used by speech pathologists throughout the United States as a tool to assess children’s speech development.  Developed by Dr. Ronald Goldman and Dr. Macalyne Fristoe, this test can assess and yield information about a child’s progress, ability, and other measures of speech production.  It can be …

Four Common Misconceptions About Sensory Processing Disorder

Teaching a child with a sensory processing disorder to communicate effectively can be extremely difficult. That difficulty is compounded by the vast amount of misinformation which exists surrounding the subject of speech development. The following are a number of popular falsehoods about sensory processing disorder. It is important to know fact from fiction in order to address your child’s speech …

Available Speech Therapy Treatments for Stuttering in Children

What is stuttering? Stuttering, also termed ‘stammering’ in the UK, is a disorder characterized by disruptions in the production of speech sounds, such as prolonged or repeated syllables, or ‘blocks’ in speech during which the individual is unable to produce a sound for a few seconds. It often begins in childhood and can leave lasting effects on a child’s confidence …

How can feeding therapy benefit my child?

Feeding therapy is the needed treatment for infants and young children who are experiencing feeding difficulties. Because feeding difficulties can lead to more serious problems for health and development, it is important to address these problems quickly.  If your child experiences feeding problems, it is imperative that you seek out a professional, such as a speech-language pathologist, who can help …

¿Cuándo debe utilizarse la prueba de articulación de Goldman Fristoe?

What is the Goldman Fristoe Test? The Goldman Fristoe test of articulation is a tool which can help examine a child’s ability to pronounce different speech sounds in order to diagnose different disorders which can inhibit a child’s articulation. It is the most popular articulation test and provides a systematic measure of consonant sound articulation. When your child takes this …

¿Qué significa para mi hijo tener un trastorno mixto del lenguaje receptivo y expresivo?

Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder is characterized by a child’s inability to express himself or herself using spoken language and by exhibiting problems understanding what people say. This disorder is diagnosed in approximately 5% of preschool children and 3% of school-aged children. The Implications of Mixed Receptive-Expressive Disorder A child with mixed receptive-expressive language disorder will have difficulty communicating thoughts, needs, …